Modern Leather Processing Techniques in Pakistan

Leather is a largest resource that plays an important role in the economic growth of Pakistan. It is obtained from different animals like cow, goat, camel, sheep etc. These animal’s hide and skin is used for making different kinds of products i.e., leather garments, shoes, sportswear, jackets, bags, gloves, equipment parts etc. Pure leather and its products are also liked by foreigners and export to these countries in order to increase foreign earning. All the income plays an important role in further economic development of Pakistan.

Animal’s hides and skin are formed into finished goods or products by following processes which are given below:

1)      Warehousing and sorting:

In this step, hides and skins are preserved in salt, stored in control rooms in order to save them from any kind of smell, germs or disorder. Before processing these hides and skin, they are checked to ensure quality control and weight for further processes.

2)      Soaking:

In this step, pre-stored hides and skins are soaked to remove salt and dirt to proceed.

3)      De-fleshing:

In this step, all remaining tissue, flesh or meat and fats are removed by a roller mounted knife in order to avoid any kind of smell and germs.

4)      Liming:

In this step, the hairs of all hides and skins are removed by applying lime and sulphur.

5)      Bating, pickling and tanning:

In this step, salts and acids are applied on animal’s hide and skin in order to prepare them for tanning process. During this process, tanning agents are applied and they (hide and skin) absorb these tanning agents. The hide and skin becomes leather in this process.

6)      Samming:

All unnecessary water is removed from the hides and skins in this process.

7)      Splitting:

In this step, leather is trimmed in a substance in order to get required thickness of the leather. This split leather is then used for further process.

8)      Skiving:

In this step, obtained leather in above process is converted into required thickness. All kind of irregularities are removed from the obtained leather and divided into different color batches according to the requirements.

9)      Sorting:

All leather obtained in above process is sorted according to its quality and thickness.

10)  Dying and greasing:

The acid obtained from the above tanning process is neutralized and then dying process is applied with aniline dye stuff according to the requirements. To get the required softness of leather, the greasing process is used for this.

11)  Drying:

Leather is dried through two processes vacuum and hanging process. In vacuum process all moisture is removed from the leather and in hanging process, leather is passed through the ovens in order to eradicate any moisture and wetness.

12)  Staking: 

Leather is staked after drying in order to soften it.

13)  Finishing:

In this step, leather obtained through all above processes goes through the final treatment. According to the modern fashion and demand, leather is converted into smooth and colorful products by coating, ironing, embossing etc.
When leather is converted into finished goods then some other necessary steps are taken to prepare it for market.
Quality control:
In this step, quality of leather and its finished goods is ensured according to their weight and quality grades.

 In this final step, the leather and its products are measured, packed and dispatched finally.

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